Need a recipe? Looking for inspiration? We’re here to help! Check out some recipes that we love to brew. Brewing extract? All grain? 1 gallon? 2 gallons? 5? 10? Doesn’t matter! We’ll tailor the recipe to your setup. Just ask us to customize it for you.
Beer Recipe Book

Parleaux Mixed-Ferm Pilsner
Thanks to Parleaux Beer Lab for participating in our Brew Like the Pros event! Eric thought it would be fun to co-pitch a Kveik and a Brett strain into one of their Pilsner grain bills. We recommend bottle conditioning this beer with Brett Claussenii for as long as you can to produce the most funky…

Joie DIPA – 2021 Competition Winner
Joie is the dry hopped Double IPA juice of your dreams. This beer is incredibly soft and smooth on the palate with tons of peach, banana, and background notes of coconut and tangerine. With just a touch of clean bitterness on the backend to leave you with an even keel on all the juicy fruit,…

Ghostly Similar
This one is inspired by one of the heavy hitters in Louisiana. Although it might be impossible to replicate these hops, Citra by itself makes a great IPA. If you like this one, try it as a DDH. If you like that, try making it as an 11% Triple IPA and melt your face off…

Spring Time Helles Bock
A crispy yet substantial lager beer with a unique German fruity hop finish. Any German fruity hop in the whirlpool will make for a great warm weather style lager. Try Hallertau Blanc, Mandarina Bavaria, Huell Melon, or even Ariana and Callista.

English Turn – 2021 Competition Winner
One of five winning beers from our 2021 Homebrew Competition, English Turn is a British Golden Ale that was chosen to be brewed by Parleaux. This beer is able to highlight subtle malt sweetness with a classic profile of English Target and East Kent Golding hops.

Dappled Sun – 2021 Competition Winner
One of five winning beers from our 2021 Homebrew Competition, Dappled Sun is a Belgian IPA that was chosen to be brewed by Urban South. This beer is your classic dry and effervescent Belgian ale that also highlights Styrian Golding and Citra hops.

Doggone Christmas Ale – 2nd Place 2020 Homebrew Cup
This super complex Old Ale, jam packed with as much flavor as you can get in a beer, was a close runner up in the 2020 Homebrew Cup. This beer is an absolutely delicious slow sipping dessert. Try brewing it with your favorite blend of Christmas spices.
Read more Doggone Christmas Ale – 2nd Place 2020 Homebrew Cup

Blueberry Coffee Sour – 4th Place 2020 Homebrew Cup
It’s nice to describe a beer as beautiful. This one definitely is in terms of looks, smells, and tastes. All the goodness from sour beer, blueberries, and coffee blend perfectly in this recipe.
Read more Blueberry Coffee Sour – 4th Place 2020 Homebrew Cup

A Mild Cluster Fugget – 3rd Place 2020 Homebrew Cup
This British Dark Mild took 3rd Place in the 2020 Homebrew Cup. Maltiness with notes of caramel, chocolate, coffee, and roast describes both the aroma and the flavor. This beer was originally brewed with Cluster Fugget hops, but we’ve adapted it with a comparable hop blend, and was also brewed with home toasted flaked oats.
Read more A Mild Cluster Fugget – 3rd Place 2020 Homebrew Cup

Road Hole – 1st Place 2020 Homebrew Cup
This British Brown Ale took 1st place in the 2020 Homebrew Cup. An easy drinking brown beer with wonderful malt aromas, and a perfect balance of caramel and roast flavors. This beer also utilized cold steeping of some of the darker grains, and then those cold steeps were added into the boil kettle.

Sour Then Citra
This Sour IPA is not kettle soured. It’s a mixed fermentation beer that takes advantage of biotransforming Citra hops to create the perfect citrus character. Imagine the perfect blend of sour and citrus.

Keep It Simple Stout
What makes a stout, a stout? We wanted to keep this one traditional and practical. With a grain bill of Maris Otter, Flaked Barley, Roasted Barley, and nothing else, our goal was to Keep It Simple Stupid Stout!

HEY Coffee Saison
Big thinks to all the fine folks at HEY Coffee Co and Alex Flores of Urban South for collaborating on a great event. This recipe was inspired by an old one-off beer that utilizes HEY Coffee’s Honduran coffee beans. On Greg and Alex’s advice, we steeped whole beans for 24 hours at 36ºF before kegging,…

This beer drinks more like a schwarzbier, but at 8%, it falls into Doppelbock territory. A big bold lager with plenty of malt character, perfect for sipping in the colder seasons.

Irishish Red Ale
OK, it’s more like an American Red Ale. This beer is an approachable 5.6% ABV that bursts with floral flavors and aromas. Kent Golding, Cascade, and Cluster provide a solid hop presence that pairs well with red-amber malts.

Brewstock Old School IPA
Looks to be from the days of Aaron, this recipe was once a Brewstock classic. A bold malt profile of Special B, Crystal 60, and Victory malts pair with a bold hop profile of Magnum, Simcoe, and Amarillo. This recipe is a no frills 100 IBU West Coast IPA.

Brewstock Houseweizen
This recipe is a classic. German Weissbiers traditionally consist of a 50/50 split of pilsner and wheat. However, an addition of dextrose (corn sugar) can cause the yeast to produce a pleasant banana flavor in the finished beer.

Gnarly Barley Juicifer Clone
One of the most popular and asked about recipes, we did our best to clone this beer. A simple grain bill of 2-row, Flaked Wheat, and Flaked Oats lets the Cascade, Citra, Mosaic hop combination shine through. From Gnarley: “Impressions of tropical papaya, mango, and grapefruit wash over your taste buds. All Hail Jucifer!”

Golden Gimmick
This Belgian Golden Strong Ale uses only ingredients with the word gold. Golden Promise, Golden Naked Oats, CaraGold, Golden Candi Syrup, Styrian Golding, Belgian Golden Ale Yeast. Really just a gimmick, but also a really tasty beer.

Seasonal Sour
If you like fruited sours, this recipe is perfect. The beer is inexpensive, easy to brew, and it works both as a kettle sour or a mixed fermentation sour beer, so be sure to know your souring process. What makes this beer great is seasonal local Louisiana fruit, and we recommend getting the most flavor…

River of Mud
Don’t you wish the Mississippi River water tasted like chocolate and caramel? Nevermind. This beer uses a complex malt bill to achieve those flavors. The malt bill has two caramel malts, two chocolate malts, and two biscuity malts, giving this plenty of depth and character. Ferment it with a clean American ale, try HotHead, or…

Five/Five, 5/5, May/5th, Cinco/Mayo, Cinco/Drinko. This Mexican style lager beer is easy to brew, and is dangerously crushable at 4.5%.

Malty and robust, Ocktoberfest/Märzen beers are always a favorite. This is our recipe for the autumn seasonal lager, brewed predominantly with Pilsner, Vienna, and Munich malts, but has some CaraRed and CaraMunich for an extra bit of color and maltiness.

Pizza Beer
The two simplest pleasures in life are pizza and beer, and what a combo they are. Not a whole lot needs to be said about this beer, other than Belgian Wits go great with pizza. Brew this beer, order a pizza, put on your comfiest clothes, and enjoy.

Gnarly Barley Korova Milk Porter
We love Gnarly Barley’s beer, and we love this porter they brew. Packed with malt depth, it still finishes balanced. This beer drinks great at 6.5%, but if you’re more enamored with Imperial Korova Milk Porter, try adding a few more pounds of base malt for an 8% porter.

Parleaux Lemony Sippet
Our friends at Parleaux published this recipe through the American Homebrew Association. It’s slightly tweaked to represent the ingredients Brewstock can provide. Parleaux brews this as a lager, but the awesome thing about this recipe is how many other yeasts can work with it. If you can’t do a lager, we recommend HotHead or Lutra…

Chocolate Milkshake
A true fan favorite, low risk, high reward beer. Lots of robust flavors come through of chocolate, vanilla, roast, and coffee. This can only describe it as a dessertbier. This beer benefits from a longer aging time in contact with cocoa nibs and vanilla beans.

Blonde on Blonde
Our session blonde ale has a nice touch of sweetness from both the malts and the hops. Honey malt and Carapils paired with Amarillo and Simcoe hops make this a perfect beer for a summer day. We recommend a Kölsch yeast to make this beer a lawnmower style, but it also works well with a…

Abita Amber Clone
A Louisiana classic. This session amber ale is tasty and crushable, and can be fermented with a wide variety of yeasts. Keep it authentic with a Munich or Southern German Lager yeast, or try it with a clean fermenting American ale yeast if you don’t have lagering abilities. Both taste great.

Urban South Holy Roller Clone
A clone modeled after Urban South’s Holy Roller, this juicy IPA is a can’t miss, no fail recipe. It’s packed with Citra, Mosaic, and Centennial hops which gives this beer its huge tropical aroma and flavor.

Carnival Saison
Our Mardi Gras beer is an easy going Belgian Saison that’s packed with flavor. This recipe goes great with spices like coriander, orange peel, cardamom, honeysuckle, or any of your favorites. At 5.5% ABV, this makes for a great parade beer.

St. Paddy Stout
A robust 6.4% Irish Stout. If you enjoy NOLA’s Irish Channel Stout, or Guinness Foreign Extra, this beer takes inspiration and elements from both.