Our beer yeast chart shows comparisons of all the yeast companies we carry. It also shows the known or best guess brewery source. Best guesses have been marked with a (?). If not exact, these guesses are very close, and will work as substitutes.
Open Chart as a PDF: https://www.brewstock.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Beer-yeast-comp-2022.pdf

For more on yeast substitutions and equivalents, see research from David Taylor here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16XRUloO3WXqH9Ixsf5vx2DIKDmrEQJ36tLRBmmya7Jo/edit#gid=1846233287
This is a live working spreadsheet and is periodically updated. See sources at the bottom of his spreadsheet.
Also check out Beer Maverick’s yeast comparison: https://beermaverick.com/yeasts/yeast-substitutions-chart/